“Irelands Most Successful Driving School”
“Irelands Most Successful Driving School”
Driving For Work
If an employee is driving for work it is the responsibility of the EMPLOYER to ensure they are assessed and certified by an RSA ADI/Approved trainer.
The core message is simple, if you are driving for work, you’re at work !
Employers are legally required to put a driving for work safety plan in place. If not there could be serious consequences for employers and employees
Driving for work includes any person who drives on a road as part of their work either in a company vehicle or their own vehicle and receives an allowance from their employer for miles driven.
Commuting to work is not classified as driving for work, except where the person’s journey starts from their home and they are travelling to a work location that is not their normal place of work.
Driving for work involves a risk not only for the driver, but also for fellow workers and members of the public, such as pedestrians and other road users.
As an employer or self-employed person, you must, by law, manage the risks that may arise when you or your employees drive for work. Although employers cannot directly control roadway conditions they can promote and influence safe driving behaviour amongst their employees.
At Airport Driving School “Irelands Most Successful Driving School” we carry out Driving assessments and driving behavioural change practice, we have been assisting employers since 1968, all our instructors are RSA ADI qualified, we also have Rospa Gold & Silver level instructors and our CEO Tom Murphy is a member of the Institute of the Master Tutors of Driving.
We take driving and road safety serious……its our business.
We will develop a Safe Driving For Work program for your business based on the below 5 principles
- Develop a driving for work policy.
- Risk assess driving for work hazards.
- Put safety systems into practice.
- Measure safety performance.
- Review safety performance.
The benefits to an employer, employee & other road users including pedestrians are outlined below.
Employer Benefits:-
- Protection from Litigation
- Fewer lost days
- lower insurance premiums
- Cost savings, Fuel/Tyres etc
- Duty of care to employees
Employee/Driver benefits:-
- Safer work environment
- Less likely to be involved in accidents
- Increased productivity
- Greater awareness and improved driver skills
- Will reduce possibility of accidents hence will live longer
Other road users and Pedestrians
- Safer environment
- Greater awareness of responsibilities
Lets make the workplace a safer place for everyone and if your a driver your workplace starts when you turn the key, get in touch today and we will develop a program for your business.
Call us today on Dublin 01-806 8000 or Cork on 021 485 0748